The source material for Masterpiece PBS's Les Misérables may have been published in 1862, but the themes of redemptive love in Victor Hugo's classic text still resonate today.

Ahead of the Les Mis series finale, the show's stars are reflecting on Hugo's message of forgiveness and compassion in an exclusive new video, premiering today on T&C.

"The overall themes and messages of Les Mis are timeless," explains Lily Collins, who plays the ill-fated Fantine in the adaptation.

"For my character Fantine, [there is] this idea of seeking love and wanting to fight for love even when all these roadblocks are thrown at her, this constant determination and courageousness that comes with love. It's the love of her daughter that causes her to continue on...That's something that I think maybe we can all strive for. Even if your time on this earth is short, your legacy can live on."

Collins's costar David Oyelowo is also attracted to the theme of redemption in Hugo's story, in spite of the fact that his character Javert cannot seem to grasp it.

"In this story, the theme that resonates the most with me is redemption, which is love, the ability to forgive, the ability to say to someone there is nothing you can do to make me love you less. That is to be redeemed," he says.

"That's the thing that my character Javert cannot come to terms with. Redemption doesn't make any sense to him and that's why [he and Jean Valjean] are perpetually at odds."

Watch Oyelowo reflect on Javert in the clip up top and see how things end up for his character in the final episode of Les Misérables, which airs this Sunday at 9 p.m. eastern.

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Caroline Hallemann
Digital Director

As the digital director for Town & Country, Caroline Hallemann covers culture, entertainment, and a range of other subjects